All Are Welcome

After more than 150 years in Kearney, the parish of St. James has a rich history as a community of Catholic worship and an established legacy of service to the people of Kearney and the surrounding areas.

We invite our Catholic brothers and sisters, as well as visitors from other denominations, to pray and celebrate the Sacraments with us. You will be welcomed and embraced as we join together as one in the presence of God.

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday – 5:00 pm

Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Misa en Español – 12:30 pm

(cada segundo del mes)
(every 2nd Sunday)

Mass in Vietnamese - 3:00 pm

(every 1st Sunday)

Weekday Mass Times

Monday – No Mass

Tuesday – 12:00 pm

Wednesday – 12:00 pm

Thursday – 8:15 am with KCHS

Friday – 8:00 am


Saturday – 3:30-4:30 pm

(or by appointment)


First Fridays – 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

St. James Rosary Times

 Rosary and Evening Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours)
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the church

Thursdays at 7:30 am in the Church



* This is the regular Mass schedule - be sure to check the Weekly Bulletin or our Mass Times page for any changes!

Our Mission

St. James parish was established in 1881 to be a sign of the presence of the Kingdom of God, to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and to minister and serve others. As Catholics, we believe in Jesus' dying and rising and in our call to celebrate the Sacraments and proclaim the Gospel.

St. James is Live Streaming Masses according to the following schedule:

Saturday - 5:00 pm - Weekend Mass
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday & Wednesday -12:00 Noon - Weekday Mass
Thursday - 8:15 am - Weekday Mass with Kearney Catholic High School
Friday - No Live Streaming

These can be viewed either live or replay directly from the St. James Kearney YouTube Channel or by using the “Mass Videos” button on the St. James myParish App.

Fishing with St. James

Sunday, April 28, 2024

We will hear these verses from Sunday’s Gospel, John 15:1,4b,5, Jesus said to his disciples:
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower.
Remain in me, as I remain in you.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.
In John’s Gospel from chapters 6 to 15 Jesus gives us 7 “I AM” statements.
Jesus uses the phrase I AM in other places but in these 7 the “I AM” is clearly followed by a statement expressing his identity as the living presence of God in our midst.
Here are the 7 “I AM” statements in John’s Gospel.

"I AM" Statements of Jesus
I AM the bread of life. John 6:35, John 6:48
I AM the light of the world. John 8:12: John 9:5
I AM the gate. John 10:7
I AM the good shepherd. John 10:11-14
I AM the resurrection and the life. John 11:25
I AM the way, the truth and the life. John 14:6
I AM the true vine. John 15:1, 5

Pescando con St. James

Escucharemos estos versículos durante el Evangelio de este domingo, Juan 15:1,4b,5, Jesús le dijo a sus discípulos:
“Yo soy la vid verdadera y mi Padre es el Labrador.
Pero permanezcan en mi como yo permanezco en ustedes.
“Yo soy la Vid y ustedes los sarmientos.
El que permanece en mi y yo en él, ese da, mucho fruto, Pero sin mi no pueden hacer nada. En el Evangelio de Juan del capitulo 6 al 15 Jesús nos da las 7 declaraciones “YO SOY.”
Jesús utiliza las frases “YO SOY” en otras ocasiones, pero en
estas 7 “YO SOY” van claramente seguido de una declaración que expresa su identidad como la presencia viva de Dios entre nosotros.
Aquí las están las 7 declaraciones “YO SOY” en el Evangelio de Juan.

“YO SOY” declaraciones de Jesús
YO SOY declaraciones de Jesús
YO SOY el pan de vida (Juan 6:35, 48)
YO SOY la luz del mundo (Juan 8:12, 9:5,)
YO SOY la puerta de las ovejas (Juan 10:7, 9)
YO SOY el buen Pastor (Juan 10:11, 14)
YO SOY la Resurrección y la Vida (Juan 11:25)
YO SOY el camino, la verdad, y la vida (Juan 14:6)
YO SOY la vid verdadera” (Juan 15:1, 5)


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Full Calendar

St. James Stained Glass Window

St. James Catholic Church

3801 Avenue A, Kearney, NE 68847

Parish Office Hours

Mon-Thurs – 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Kearney Catholic High School

110 East 35th Street, Kearney, NE 68847

KCHS Foundation

20 East 21st Street, Kearney, NE 68847